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MA in Art Law and Arts Management | International Hellenic University

The MA in Art Law and Arts Management Programme is being offered by the School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Economics of the University Center of International Programmes of Studies of the International Hellenic University.

The programme aims at exploring and highlighting the functional interdependence between art law and arts management. Particular emphasis will be placed upon the legal, financial and political considerations and the corresponding regulatory approaches implemented in Europe and elsewhere concerning the creation of digital works of art, the art trade, the operation of the markets concerned, the function of intellectual property law at the EU and international level, the protection of cultural heritage and protection against unlawfully acquired works of art. The programme adopts a multi-disciplinary approach and is addressed to graduates of various academic backgrounds, including law, economics, political science, history of art, philosophy, etc., who wish to specialize in the interrelation between art, law and the economy.

We aim at providing candidates with:

  • the specialized legal, financial and cultural background to pursue a successful career in academia and research, private organisations that commercialise works of art, museums, art collections, law firms practicing in the field or public sector organizations involved in the management, legal protection, re-claiming and supporting works of art;
  • legal and financial expertise on the operation and management of art markets (including sales of works of art, art portfolio management, art auctions etc.);
  • in-depth knowledge on the national and international legal framework on national heritage, monument preservation, art loans or archaeology laws;
  • intellectual property law expertise within a globalized art market;
  • insights on those fields of law (constitutional, civil, penal etc.) affecting the legal protection of works of art.


The programme fees for the MA in Art Law and Arts Management is 3.000€ . The amount is payable in two instalments for the full time mode or in four instalments for the part time mode at the beginning of each semester. The fees are also eligible for financing through LAEK – OAED programme.

The courses are taught exclusively in English.

The academics teaching on the programme come from universities both abroad and in Greece.

Interested parties are invited to submit their application by 30 September 2024, by following instructions at the at the applications page.

Website: https://www.ihu.gr/ucips/postgraduate-programmes/alam

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Μεταπτυχιακά & Πτυχία σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο