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MSc in Sustainable Agriculture and Business | International Hellenic University

The MSc in Sustainable Agriculture and Business Programme is being offered by the School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Economics of the University Center of International Programmes of Studies of the International Hellenic University. The courses are taught exclusively in English. The programme is also available in distance learning mode.

The MSc in Sustainable Agriculture and Business approaches agriculture from an interdisciplinary perspective that focuses on:

  • Increasing agricultural production whilst minimizing the impact on the environment.
  • Developing and managing agricultural enterprises of various sizes.
  • Agricultural products marketing and trading.

The Programme aims at:

  • University and technological education institute graduates who wish to acquire expertise in sustainable agriculture and agribusiness.
  • Professionals who wish to establish start-up agricultural companies that bring new ideas to both farming and the market.
  • Professionals who work in the private/public agricultural/agribusiness sectors and wish to redirect their careers or enhance their existing capabilities.


The programme fees for the MSc in Sustainable Agriculture and Business is 2,500€. The amount is payable in two instalments for the full time mode or in four instalments for the part time mode at the beginning of each semester. The fees are also eligible for financing through LAEK – OAED programme.

Interested parties are invited to submit their application by 30 September 2024, by following instructions at the at the applications page.

Website: https://www.ihu.gr/ucips/postgraduate-programmes/sab

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Μεταπτυχιακά & Πτυχία σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο