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Νέα και άρθρα με θέμα: "Διεθνές Πανεπιστήμιο της Ελλάδας"

Αύγ 28, 2023

MA in the Classical Archaeology and the Ancient History of Macedonia | International Hellenic University

The MA in the Classical Archaeology and the Ancient History of Macedonia Programme is being offered by the School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Economics of the University Center of International Programmes of Studies of the International Hellenic University. The programme considers the history and the archaeology of ancient Macedonia, …

Αύγ 25, 2023

MSc in Energy Law, Business, Regulation and Policy | International Hellenic University

The MSc in Energy Law, Business, Regulation and Policy Programme is being offered by the School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Economics of the University Center of International Programmes of Studies of the International Hellenic University. The programme has as its objective the provision of postgraduate level studies, specialization and …

Αύγ 21, 2023

MA in Art Law and Arts Management | International Hellenic University

The MA in Art Law and Arts Management Programme is being offered by the School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Economics of the University Center of International Programmes of Studies of the International Hellenic University.

The programme aims at exploring and highlighting the functional interdependence between art law and arts …

Αύγ 17, 2023

LLM in Transnational and European Commercial Law, Banking Law, Arbitration/Mediation | International Hellenic University

The “LLM in Transnational and European Commercial Law, Banking Law, Arbitration/Mediation” postgraduate programme is being offered by the School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Economics of the University Center of International Programmes of Studies of the International Hellenic University.

The postgraduate programme aims to provide a thorough analysis of commercial …

Ιούλ 27, 2023

MSc in Management | International Hellenic University

The MSc in Management Programme is being offered by the School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Economics of the University Center of International Programmes of Studies of the International Hellenic University.

The programme is a highly flexible qualification offering access to a wide range of careers in general management, marketing, …

Ιούλ 24, 2023

MSc in Banking, Financial Technology (Fintech) and Risk Management | International Hellenic University

The MSc in Banking, Financial Technology (Fintech) and Risk Management Programme (former MSc in Banking & Finance) is being offered by the School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Economics of the University Center of International Programmes of Studies of the International Hellenic University.

 The new up-to-date programme with revised …

Ιούλ 19, 2023

Executive MBA | International Hellenic University


The Executive MBA Programme is being offered by the School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Economics of the University Center of International Programmes of Studies of the International Hellenic University. The programme is designed to provide a postgraduate (master’s) level education in Business Administration and is offered to executives …

Ιούλ 17, 2023

MSc in Hospitality and Tourism Management | International Hellenic University

The MSc in Hospitality and Tourism Management Programme is being offered by the School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Economics of the University Center of International Programmes of Studies of the International Hellenic University. The programme provides expertise in tourism with a practical orientation related to management and strategic issues …

Οκτ 03, 2022

MSc in Strategic Product Design (Στρατηγικός Σχεδιασμός Προϊόντων) από το Διεθνές Πανεπιστήμιο της Ελλάδος

Το αγγλόφωνο Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών "Msc in Strategic Product Design - Στρατηγικός Σχεδιασμός Προϊόντων" λειτουργεί στη Σχολή Επιστήμης και Τεχνολογίας του Πανεπιστημιακού Κέντρου Διεθνών Προγραμμάτων Σπουδών του Διεθνούς Πανεπιστημίου της Ελλάδος και καλεί τους ενδιαφερόμενους να υποβάλουν υποψηφιότητα για το ακαδημαϊκό έτος 2022- 2023.

Αντικείμενο Π.Μ.Σ.
Το συγκεκριμένο …

Οκτ 24, 2019

Παρουσιάστηκε επίσημα το πρώτο αγγλόφωνο προπτυχιακό από το ΕΚΠΑ και το Διεθνές Πανεπιστήμιο Ελλάδος

Παρουσιάστηκε επίσημα χθες 23/10/2019 από το Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών, το πρώτο αγγλόφωνο προπτυχιακό πρόγραμμα στην Ελλάδα που θα προσφερθεί από Δημόσια Ιδρύματα. Tο Εθνικό Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών (ΕΚΠΑ) και το Διεθνές Πανεπιστήμιο Ελλάδος, προσφέρουν από το προσεχές ακαδημαϊκό έτος, το πρώτο αγγλόφωνο προπτυχιακό πρόγραμμα στην Ελλάδα που θα προσφερθεί από Δημόσια …

Μεταπτυχιακά & Πτυχία σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο