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Πανελλαδικές Εξετάσεις
Πρόσθετες Πληροφορίες

This degree covers all main areas of accounting and finance in terms of practical application and critical appraisal. It is designed for those wishing to pursue a career as a professional, Chartered Accountant, but also suitable for those wishing to pursue other careers in professional accounting qualifications or business management. The programme is therefore an excellent choice for those wishing to follow the Accountancy, as it offers a blend of theoretical and practical application, combined with accreditation from professional accounting bodies and exposure to a broader knowledge of finance, which is relevant to a wide range of other business careers.

Year 1

• Introduction to Mathematics & Statistics
• Introduction to Accounting & Information Systems
• Introduction to Accounting & Finance

• English Language I
• English Language II
• Academic Writing
• Business in Context
• Principles of Economics
• University Elective

Year 2

• Introduction to Financial Accounting
• Introduction to Management Accounting
• Information Systems & the Business Environment
• Introduction to Economics
• Legal Obligations in Business
• Introduction to Personal and Professional Practice

Year 3

• Finance for Managers
• Financial Accounting
• Accounting Information Systems and Control Issues
• Management Accounting
• Taxation Theory and Practice


• Companies and the Law
• Companies and the Law in Cyprus


• Work Based Learning Project

Year 4


• Corporate Finance 10
• Advanced Financial Accounting 10
• Auditing Theory & Practice 10
• Advanced Management Accounting 10
• Business Strategy 10


• Advanced Taxation Theory and Practice 10

• Cyprus Taxation

Graduates who combine accounting and finance literacy with a broad appreciation of business economic issues are highly sought after by employers. This degree programme also provides a strong foundation for graduates seeking to enter other business and managerial functions (e.g. managing directors, consultants to private organisations and international organisations such as the World Bank, OECD and the EU), as well as related occupations such as insurance and banking, which have a strong business presence in Cyprus. High calibre graduates from the Programme also have the opportunity to consider applying for an academic career in accounting by pursuing Postgraduate and doctoral studies.

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Μεταπτυχιακά & Πτυχία σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο