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Πρόσθετες Πληροφορίες

The University of Nicosia Medical School, the largest in Cyprus, offers a 6-Year MD degree programme designed for high school leavers.

  • EU accredited medical degree allowing medical practice pathways worldwide

  • Clinical training is offered at leading hospitals in Cyprus and the UK

  • Listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools

  • Diverse student body from over 60 countries

Career Prospects

With our devoted Student Success Team, students are matched with a personal tutor from day one, and students meet one-on-one with career advisers to track their studies and steps, in order to practice in the country they wish to work. As an EU accredited medical degree, graduates who are from one of the countries that constitute the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland will be eligible to apply to practise medicine. Students have support and guidance in aligning with national licensure exams, such as USMLE based on their preferred post-graduate pathway. Each member state has its own regulations as to which stage of its training programme you will enter, and any additional requirements that you will need to demonstrate (such as language proficiency). Our Student Success Team hosts alumni and career experts to advise in best practice for working in different regions of the world to ensure that you achieve your goals.

With more than 60 nationalities of students, you will study and practice with colleagues and faculty that provide a competitive advantage in the global health market. This EU accredited medical degree allows medical practice pathways worldwide with support and preparation for global transferability and placement. Our graduates have been offered positions at over 200 medical centres around the world for residency training, fellowships, internships, and research.

Our Admissions Advisors will provide further information on your career options with this MD degree and licensure requirements.

General Objectives

This programme of study provides students with the opportunity to receive high quality education in Medicine. The general program objectives are:

  1. To train students in the practice of scientific evidence-based medicine.
  2. To encourage students to practise medicine holistically , encompassing ethical, legal, psychological and social considerations.
  3. To produce highly competent and caring physicians.
  4. To foster the development of lifelong commitments to scholarship and service toward patients.
  5. To promote health and wellness through disease prevention and research.
  6. To contribute toward the establishment of Cyprus as a regional centre of excellence in medical education.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this programme , students should be able to:

  1. Apply an understanding of normal and abnormal human structure, function and behaviour to the diagnosis, management and prevention of health problems.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the factors which influence the health of the population and the respective roles of the promotion of health, the prevention of illness and the treatment of disease.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of the contribution of genetic, legal, social, environmental, political, economic, historical and behavioural factors to health, illness and disease within a global context.
  4. Elicit and interpret clinical symptoms and signs by interviewing and examining patients systematically and with sensitivity, and use this information to order investigations, make differential diagnoses and form management plans.
  5. Keep accurate clinical records based on their own observations and communicate their findings to others clearly and concisely.
  6. Recognise and manage life-threatening conditions and provide immediate care of medical emergencies, including First Aid and resuscitation.
  7. Prescribe drugs safely.
  8. Develop an understanding of the work of other health care professionals, and demonstrate a willingness and ability to work inter-professionally and to learn from other professional groups.
  9. Work cooperatively as a member of a team, accepting and providing leadership as appropriate.
  10. Analyse and critically appraise clinical data and published work to determine their validity and usefulness.
  11. Practise ethical behaviour in meeting the needs of patients and families; concern for confidentiality and respect for individual autonomy, enabling patients and their families to make informed decisions in relation to their medical care.
  12. Possess an on-going commitment to the advancement of knowledge within a community of medical scholars and to life-long learning to maintain high professional standards.
  13. Possess skills in the recording, organisation and management of information including the use of appropriate information technology.
  14. Understand the therapeutic nature of the patient-doctor relationship and the impact on that relationship of the individual characteristics of both patient and doctor.

The programme is structured around 12 academic semesters over a period of 6 years. In each semester students are required to take 30 ECTS credits, completing 360 ECTS credits after 12 semesters of full-time tuition.

SEMESTER 1        

  • Medical Physics I: The Human Body    
  • General Chemistry    
  • Biology I
  • Medical Psychology    
  • Medical Ethics


  • Research Methods in Medicine and Essential Medical Statistics    
  • Medical Physics II: Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy    
  • Organic Chemistry    
  • Biology II    
  • Medical Sociology


  • Anatomy I    
  • Histology I    
  • Physiology I    
  • Biochemistry I
  • Integrated Clinical Practice I


  • Anatomy II    
  • Histology II    
  • Physiology II    
  • Biochemistry II
  • Integrated Clinical Practice


  • Brain and Behaviour
  • Microbiology & Virology
  • Pharmacology
  • Pathology I
  • Integrated Clinical Practise III


  • Medical Genetics
  • Immunology
  • Systematic Pharmacology I
  • Pathology II
  • Integrated Clinical Practise IV


  • Haematology
  • Systematic Pharmacology II
  • Epidemiology and Public Health
  • Clinical Pathophysiology
  • Research Project


  • Integrated Clinical Practise V


  • Cardiology, Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery
  • Respiratory Medicine, Thoracic Surgery and Breast Surgery
  • Gastroenterology and GI Surgery
  • Nephrology, Urology and Transplant Medicine
  • Rheumatology and Dermatology/Plastic Surgery


  • Neurology, Nerurosurgery and Palliative Care
  • Psychiatry
  • Paediatrics
  • Obstetrics And Gynaecology


  • Internal Medicine
  • General Surgery
  • Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care


  • Orthopaedics, Otorinolaryngology and Ophthalmology
  • Therpaeutics and Prescribing
  • General Practise and Geriatric Medicine
  • Elective Clinical Attachment

Όπως αναφέρεται στην ιστοσελίδα του τμήματος:

"With our devoted Student Success Team, students are matched with a personal tutor, and students meet one-on-one with Career Advisers to track their studies and steps, for practice after graduation. As an EU accredited medical degree, graduates who are from one of the countries that constitute the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland will be eligible to apply to practise medicine. Each member state has its own regulations as to which stage of its training programme you will enter, and any additional requirements that you will need to demonstrate (such as language proficiency). While the MD degree is recognised by many different countries internationally, applicants are advised to check with their own individual national authorities, if they wish to practise in their own country. Throughout the journey, students will find support and guidance in aligning with national licensure exams, such as USMLE based on their preferred postgraduate pathway. Our Student Success Team hosts alumni and career experts to advise in best practice for working in different regions of the world to support student goals.

With more than 80 nationalities of students, you will study and practice with colleagues and faculty that provide a competitive advantage in the global healthcare market. This EU accredited medical degree allows medical practice pathways with support and preparation for postgraduate placement. Our graduates have been offered positions at over 200 medical centres around the world for residency training, fellowships, internships, and research.

Our Admissions Advisors can provide further information on your career options with this MD degree and licensure requirements".

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