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INtelligent Sustainable HABITATs masters course (INHABITAT) [Erasmus]
Διεθνές Πανεπιστήμιο της Ελλάδος
Σχολή Μηχανικών ΔΙΠΑΕ σε συνεργασία με το Kaunas University of Technology (Λιθουανία), το Politecnico di Milano (Ιταλία) & το Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences (Γερμανία)
Full Time

The Intelligent Sustainable Habitats masters course (INHABITAT) project aims to develop an advanced interactive certified 2-year MSc course related to IoT applications in our everyday life that will train individuals with the necessary skills & knowledge to work in the rising “Intelligent Sustainable Habitats” industry. The course is also formulated to stimulate transversal competences such as the increased sense of initiative & entrepreneurship. The course is designed to follow the European Credit Transfer & Accumulation System (ECTS) credit standards for certification recognition across the EU. The developed syllabus will also be offered via vocational education and training in the form of micro-credentials to those who wish to gain specific skills for up-skilling and life-long education.

The innovative curriculum comprises of interactive teaching methods & partnerships with expert academic & IoT expert organizations in order to give to the students a solid background for starting a fruitful career in the industry. The course duration is 16 months, plus a 1-month maritime (on the job) experience, a month after the end of the teaching period. During the execution of the course, 3 mobility periods are programmed. For the first two (14-day) periods the students & educators from one teaching university will travel to the other and vice-versa, to participate in the large-scale laboratories, whereas the 3rd period (1 month) is reserved for the on-the-job training. Although the course will be taught in English, local language lessons will be provided to enable the participants to immerse in the local culture during the exchange periods. The course will be open for participation for anyone with a basic civil, electrical, software or mechanical technical background. Priority will be given according to their academic performance. In the case of equivalent academic level, participants from less advantaged socio-economic backgrounds (including refugees, asylum seekers & migrants) will be preferred.

This program is a 2-year multidisciplinary degree and taught entirely in English, in Italy and Lithuania.

The MSc degree is funded via the Erasmus+ Program, offering a total of 40 scholarships (covering fees and mobility costs), in addition to one-month industrial practise across Europe at the end of the study period.

The program is designed to educate the next generation of engineers & related professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge to work in the rapidly rising ''Smart Urban Sustainability'' Industry. 

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