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Precision Medicine in Clinical Practice
Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου
Full Time

The programme consists of 8 compulsory modules and the thesis. Four modules will be offered in Semester A, and four modules in Semester B whilst the thesis project will be offered in Semester C. Out of the 8 modules, two will be autonomous offering the choice of specific subjects to the students

A’ Semester 

Introduction to Medical Statistics and Research Methodologies (6 ECTS)
Clinical Τrials (essentials and beyond) (8 ECTS)
Pharmacology and pharmacogenomics (7 ECTS)
Autonomous 1 (Ethical problems and dilemmas in precision medicine) (6 ECTS)

B’ Semester 

Molecular Diagnostics (7 ECTS)
Clinical applications of precision medicine (10 ECTS)
Autonomous 2 (Case studies in precision medicine) (6 ECTS)
Special Topics in Human Molecular and Medical Genetics (10 ECTS)

C’ Semester 
Thesis (30 ECTS)

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