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Erasmus Mundus Master Course in European Literary Cultures (Eυρωπαϊκοί Πολιτισμοί και Λογοτεχνίες)
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Γαλλικής Φιλολογίας ΑΠΘ, Πανεπιστήµιο της Μπολόνια (Ιταλία), Πανεπιστήµιο Haute-Alsace (Μυλούζη), Πανεπιστήµιο του Στρασβούργου (Γαλλία) , Πανεπιστήµιο του Ντακάρ (Σενεγάλη), Πανεπιστήμιο της Βομβάης (Ινδία), Πανεπιστήμιο της Λισαβόνας (Πορτογαλία) και Κρατικό Πανεπιστήμιο της Τυφλίδας (Γεωργία)
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Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης: Erasmus Mundus Master Course in European Literary Cultures - Eυρωπαϊκοί Πολιτισμοί και Λογοτεχνίες (2025-2026)

APPLICATION A.Y. 2025-2026

*First round Call for applications is now open until March 3, 2025*.

Students are advised to read carefully all the points below. For the application procedure, you should be aware of the difference between member states of the EU and third countries associated to the programme, and third countries not associated to the programme: the procedure to be followed varies according to the student's country of origin.

For candidates with a qualification not obtained in Italy:

*These are the participation costs for the ongoing academic year 2024-2025. Participation fees for the next a.y. 2025-2026 will be available around May 2025.


The application for the Erasmus Mundus CLE is open twice a year:

  • First call for application> from December 2, 2024 until March 3, 2025
  • Second call for application>from April 1, 2025 until May 29, 2025


It is also possible to participate in the application for different types of financial supports depending the call to which the students participate. This preference must be indicated at the time of application in the appropriate section of the Online Application Form.

First call for application>  with the possibility to participate in the selection of potential Erasmus + Erasmus Mundus Joint Master  (EMJM) scholarships according to the Selection criteria.
(The availability of Erasmus Mundus scholarships is conditional on the outcome of the selection for the funding under the EMJM Erasmus Mundus Joint Master program that will be confirmed by the European Agency EACEA by July 2025).

Second call for application>  with the possibility to participate in the selection of any other financial supports provided on the basis of the funds available according to the Selection criteria


Candidates can apply for the Erasmus Mundus CLE via the CLE online application form. Before clicking on the appropriate application form (see below), make sure you know the difference between program and partner countries and the 12-month rule.


Download your check list here.

All documents required have to be uploaded on the online application and they shall be submitted in English, Italian, French, Portuguese or Greek (for other languages, official translations are compulsory).
Every single file and further supporting documents have to be renamed as following: « FAMILY NAME » « First Name » - « Type of document » (e.g. SMITHMarc-CV). Only PDF and JPG documents are accepted.

  1. Copy of a valid international passport or national ID card (NOTE THAT: ID card is accepted for EU citizens ONLY) [SMITHMarc-IDENTITY.pdf];
  2. Copy of the original diplomas indicating the final level obtained. All selected candidates must obtain their first cycle degree by July 31, 2025. In case the student has not yet obtained the degree at the time of the application, and he is about to graduate, a document issued by his University of origin stating the estimated date to obtain the degree has to be produced instead of the diploma. If students do not graduate within the due specified dates, the application will be cancelled [SMITHMarc-DIPLOMA.pdf];
  3. Transcript of records during the bachelor phase [SMITHMarc-TRANSCRIPT.pdf];
  4. Certificate of the student’s level of proficiency in the required languages (e.g. diploma, university exams, language certificates).


All documents listed below have to be uploaded on the same online form used for the application for admission and may be in English, Italian, French, Greek or Portuguese; the candidate's name must be written identically on all the files; the files uploaded online must be named by indicating Surname + First Name + "type of document" (e.g. SMITHMarc-CV). Only the following formats are accepted: PDF, JPG.

In order to participate in the selection for the granting of potential financial supports, candidates are required to present the following additional documents:

  1. Full curriculum vitae (CV Europass template) [SMITHMarc-CV.pdf];
  2. Motivation letter (explaining the background of the candidate and the reasons for applying to the CLE Master’s programme) [SMITHMarc-MOTIVATION.pdf];
  3. Certificate of residence  or attestation issued by the workplace or study attesting the residence at the time of the application;
  4. Two (2) recommendation letters* written by university professors who have participated in the candidate’s academic training. Letters by the coordinating professors of partner universities are not accepted. They must be written on a headed paper of the University concerned and signed. All letters of recommendation without a headed paper and not signed will not be considered. [SMITHMarc-LR1.pdf; SMITHMarc- LR2.pdf]

*RECOMMENDATION LETTERS: During the online application procedure, the candidate can indicate two professors and their e-mail addresses. The indicated professors will receive two different e-mails from CLE: the first one will indicate the link where the professors can upload the recommendation letter. The second one will indicate the credentials to access the platform to upload the letter. 
NOTE THAT:  We invite you to check if your professors have uploaded the recommendation letters before you lock and submit your application because after submission the letters can no longer be uploaded. 


Given that the enrolment procedures will be those of the receiving institution, all selected students will be asked to provide us with the following documents:

the original University diploma indicating the final grade;
the transcript of records (all courses attended). Students holding an Italian degree can present an "Autocertificazione".

  1. Documents a) and b) have to be legalized, where necessary (please read the following information Declaration of value, translation, and legalization) and translated by one of the following authorities: the Italian, French, Greek, Portuguese, Indian or Senegalese Embassy or Consulate. For documents issued in French, English and Italian the translation is not necessary.
  2. The Consulate or Embassy must be chosen on the basis of the Entrance University (e.g. first year University of Bologna = Embassy or Consulate of Italy / first year Université de Haute-Alsace or Université de Strasbourg = Embassy or Consulate of France / first year Aristoteleion Panepistimion Thessaloniki = Embassy or Consulate of Greece/ first year Universidade de Lisboa = Embassy or Consulate of Portugal).
  3. Candidates with documents a) and b) obtained in countries other than the Consortium Universities must provide the CLE with a declaration of the Italian (Dichiarazione di Valore*), French, Greek, Portuguese, Indian or Senegalese Embassy/Consulate stating that the diploma issued by the University of origin corresponds to at least a three-year academic diploma.

* For more information about the “Dichiarazione di Valore” read the following page: Declaration of value, translation, and legalization.  

Students who have not yet obtained their degree will be accepted on condition of graduation on July 31, 2025. If the students do not validate their degree in the specified dates, the application will be cancelled.

Documents must be sent to the CLE via e-mail by August 31, 2025 to the following address: lilec.erasmusmunduscle@unibo.it

The originals of these documents must be submitted to the CLE secretariat of the receiving institution (first host university) by September 10, 2025.

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