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Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (Μεταφραστική Βιοϊατρική Μηχανική και Επιστήμη)
Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο
Σχολή Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και Μηχανικών Υπολογιστών και Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών
Full Time

Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο: Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (2024-2025)

Application Deadline Extension!

Interested candidates can submit their application online until 22 June 2024. Prospective graduate students must register as users at gradapply.ece.ntua.gr/register and then submit their application by the deadline at gradapply.ece.ntua.gr with the necessary supporting documents. Detailed information about the application process can be found at the Admissions page.

Follow this link to download the call for applications in PDF format.



The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering in collaboration with the School of Mechanical Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) organizes an International Postgraduate Studies Program which confers a Master’s Degree (M.Sc.) in "Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine".

The MSc Program “Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine” has been included at the internationalization project of NTUA postgraduate studies [the project “Support of internationalization actions of the postgraduate studies of the National Technical University of Athens” is co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Social Fund) through the Operational Programme “Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning”], with the aim to promote the studies opportunities for international students, along with the research and educational activities of NTUA.

Translational Engineering is the process of translating engineering research findings and discoveries into innovations and functional products. Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine focuses on the development of devices and services to improve the public and individual health.

The M.Sc. in Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine at NTUA aims to prepare students to pioneer the transformation of innovative technologies into commercial devices and services with a significant socioeconomic impact in the field of health. Students will enroll in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens. The program is offered full-time and includes two semesters of coursework and one semester of Master’s (M.Sc.) thesis research. The minimum duration for completing the M.Sc. program is three (3) academic semesters. The maximum study period is two (2) years. The language of instruction is English. Attendance of lectures and laboratory sessions is mandatory. Courses for the academic year 2024-2025 will start in October 2024.

To earn the M.Sc. degree, students must: (i) attend and successfully pass seven (7) compulsory and five (5) elective courses, corresponding to a total of 60 credits (30 per semester) and (ii) complete and successfully defend their M.Sc. thesis (30 credits). The enrollment in the third semester of studies and the assignment of the M.Sc. thesis can take place at the end of the first year of studies, provided that the student has successfully completed at least half of the M.Sc. program courses by that time. The M.Sc. thesis is written in English.

Graduates from Universities in relevant Engineering, Sciences or Health Sciences disciplines (e.g., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering, Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Biotechnology, (Bio)informatics, Nursing and other relevant disciplines) are eligible, upon selection, provided that they meet all the necessary requirements for successful attendance of the courses.

The program is open to graduates of domestic institutions or equivalent foreign institutions recognized by the Hellenic National Academic Recognition and Information Center - NARIC (DOATAP), according to Law 4957/2022.

The maximum number of students who will be selected and enrolled in the M.Sc. program for the 2024-2025 academic year is 40.

No tuition fees are required for European citizens to participate in the program. For non-EU citizens, there is a tuition fee of 500€ per semester. Tuition fees must be paid at the beginning of each semester in one (1) installment.

Interested candidates are invited to submit their application online between 15 May and until 22 June 2024. Prospective graduate students must register as users at gradapply.ece.ntua.gr/register and then submit their application by the deadline at gradapply.ece.ntua.gr with the necessary supporting documents:

  • Copy of all university degrees/diplomas received. Candidates who have graduated from foreign universities will post their degrees and official transcript. The relevant check will then be carried out according to criteria of the law 4957/2022 and the National Registry of Foreign Recognized Academic Title Types (DOATAP). In case of a university degree/diploma that has not yet been conferred but is about to be awarded, the candidate should submit a statement accompanied with letters from the university personnel that indicate (i) what degree requirements are pending and (ii) that the degree can be fully completed by the period of October 2024.
  • Copy of transcripts of grades from all previous universities attended (in Greek or English). Accepted candidates must submit official transcripts.
  • Certificate of proficiency in English (at least level B2), as evidenced by a degree from an English-speaking country's Educational Body or a Certificate of Proficiency in English (Toefl, IELTS, University of Michigan, University of Cambridge, a National Certificate of Language Proficiency, etc.). If selected for an interview, candidates will be expected to demonstrate a solid knowledge of the English language.
  • Two (2) letters of recommendation. Letters of recommendation must be submitted through the Online Application platform. Candidates will be asked to indicate in the corresponding field the name, institution, and email address for each of the desired recommenders. For the majority of candidates this means two references from academic staff at their previous institution(s) who have taught them at degree level, and who, preferably, can comment on subjects or skills relevant to the M.Sc. program. If the candidate has been out of higher education for more than four years, they can provide a professional reference instead.
  • Resume/CV in English (max. 2 pages), which will include all information about the candidate’s education, research or professional activity, and interests.
  • One-page personal statement in English, which will state the candidate’s reasons and motives to apply to the specific M.Sc. Program in relation to his/her interests.
  • Evidence of research experience (if any). Candidates may submit copies of journal or conference publications and/or a one-page summary of their undergraduate research thesis in English.
  • A photocopy of both sides of the candidate’s identity card (ID) or passport.

All materials must be received by the applicable deadline to be considered. Successful candidates will be required to present on the day of their registration, certified copies of all the supporting materials submitted electronically, as well as a copy of their electronic application form.

Candidates should be prepared for a possible interview if the admissions committee decides to conduct one, and they should be able to clearly demonstrate their interest in the field of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine. Interviews are planned for July 3, 2024. Final selection will be completed by July 15, 2024 and candidates will be notified of the results by email.

For clarifications and any other information, prospective applicants may contact the Secretariat of the M.Sc. Program by email at masterteam-info@ece.ntua.gr or by phone at (+30) 210 772 3859. Information about the program can be found at www.masterteam.ntua.gr.

Call for Applications

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