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Δέκα (10) υποτροφίες για μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές στη Σχολή Νομικής του Queen Mary University of London

Δέκα (10) υποτροφίες για μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές στη Σχολή Νομικής του Queen Mary University of London

Η Σχολή Νομικής του Queen Mary University of London, μία από τις 10 καλύτερες νομικές σχολές στην Ευρώπη, προσφέρει δέκα (10) μερικές υποτροφίες ύψους £10.000 για παρακολούθηση μεταπτυχιακών προγραμμάτων πλήρους φοίτησης. 

Δείτε παρακάτω όλες τις πληροφορίες για τις υποτροφίες στα αγγλικά.


Partial Scholarships 2019-20

  • Course: Postgraduate Law programmes as listed (except those specified)

  • Number: 10
  • Value: 10 x £10K tuition fee waiver
  • Available for full time study only

Which programmes are eligible?

10 partial scholarships (partial tuition fee waivers for 5 x Home/EU students and 5 x International students) from the School of Law for the following programmes:

What do the scholarships cover? How are they paid?

The partial scholarships cover the partial cost of tuition only in the form of a fee waiver; the scholarships do not cover additional course costs (books etc.) or accommodation fees. Scholarships are not payable directly to successful applicants but are off set against your student fee invoice. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic merit, the submitted personal statement in response to the set question as detailed in the application, and in some cases, financial need and professional/extracurricular achievements.

Closing Dates and Important Notes

You must have an offer of study before you apply for a scholarship. If you submit an application without an offer of study (either conditional or unconditional) your scholarship application will be disregarded.

Apply early for the programme

Apply for the programme as early as possible as and no later than 22 February 2019. Students who have not submitted their complete application by this date will not be considered for funding.  If you have missing documents in your application it will not be considered in time for scholarship consideration. It is acceptable to apply with a conditional offer of study pending English language test scores or final academic grades.

Funding deadline

The deadline for submission of the scholarships application is 22 March 2019 by 17.00 hrs GMT - students must have an offer of study (either conditional or unconditional) for the LLM before applying for funding.

Therefore, any student who has applied for a programme listed above by 22 February 2019 and has not received an offer of study by 18 March 2019 should contact llmscholarships@qmul.ac.uk (not the admissions team) and quote the date of application and their application number in order for us to look into this.

What are scholarship winners required to do?

If you are awarded a partial scholarship you may be asked to assist the Law Marketing Team with marketing activities such as the postgraduate law open evenings and student profiles and videos.

Please note School scholarships are also subject to university-wide Terms and Conditions as well as any course/School/Faculty conditions or criteria outline.

How to apply for the Partial Scholarship

You must have a full time offer of study (either conditional or unconditional) in place before you can apply for funding. You will be required to apply for the scholarship viaour online application link. You must submit the following documents with your online application:

  1. 1000 word (maximum) statement in response to the following;

‘Please explain why you want to study for the chosen programme at Queen Mary University of London, specifying the area of law and the modules you have a particular interest in. What you will bring to the programme and why you feel you should be awarded a scholarship; focusing on your academic and professional achievements (if relevant) and financial need.

  1. Transcripts of your law degree and any other legal qualifications. Please submit relevant, translated copies only.
  2. Curriculum Vitae.
  3. 1 x Reference letter (This can be a copy of the reference submitted as part of your programme application or, if not available to you, you must obtain a reference specifically for this scholarship application). Please do not submit more than one reference letter.

Submitting your application online

You will need to complete the online application form and submit ALL required documents by following a link at the bottom of this webpage – but before you do it is crucial that you read the information below first!

Please ensure you accurately complete ALL relevant sections when required and that you submit the necessary documents in ONE PDF document when prompted. Save this file under your full name. Please DO NOT submit individual documents as part of your application. Your supporting documents must be clear and eligible to read. We will not accept JPEG formats or any other image formats. All supporting documents must be in PDF format.

The final section of the online application form will detail how to upload your ONE COMBINED PDF document as part of your scholarship application. You must read all instructions very carefully before uploading your supporting document.

Incomplete, incorrect or late scholarship applications will not be accepted or processed.

Confirmation of your online application

Upon submission of your scholarship application you will be re-directed to a page which will state ‘Your response has been recorded’. This message is confirmation that we have received your application. You will NOT receive an additional email to confirm this. Therefore please do not contact us to request further confirmation.

You will be notified of the outcome of your scholarship application by the beginning of June 2019. Please wait to be contacted in this regard.


The Partial Scholarships are open to applicants who have an offer of study on the full-time option of the programmes listed above only and are not open to those with an offer on a part-time programme.

For LLM programmes, you will be restricted to modules available within the LLM programme for which you have an offer of study. Please see the LLM programme list for further information on modules available within your specialist programme area.

If you have applied for funding elsewhere and are successful in receiving such funding you must inform us immediately. In the event that you are awarded funding elsewhere we will withdraw your application. If you are awarded one of our partial scholarships and are then awarded funding elsewhere the offer of being awarded our School of Law partial scholarship will be withdrawn.

Please note that scholarships cannot be deferred.


The scholarship will be awarded to those who we deem to have successfully demonstrated their reasoning for being awarded a scholarship based on the following criteria;

  • Academic merit
  • Professional achievements (if any)
  • Financial need

The compulsory personal statement should include all of the above information and should be in response to the text as detailed in the ‘How to apply for the Partial Scholarships’ section above.

Eligible Home/EU applicants studying commercial law subjects will automatically be considered for the prestigious Roy Goode Scholarship.

How to apply online

Before you click on the link below to apply online make sure you have read through the above information thoroughly.

Click here to submit your application for a Partial Scholarship 2019/20 online.

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