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Πανελλαδικές Εξετάσεις
Πρόσθετες Πληροφορίες

The BSc (Hons) Psychology course offers theoretical knowledge and practical application of psychology to real world problems. Students will learn about the mind and behaviour, enabling them to understand the way people act, react and interact. They will consider the roles of the brain and the nervous system upon behaviour, perception, mood and memory.

Μεταπτυχιακό Τμήματος

Year 1

• Historical Foundations of Psychology
• Understanding Behaviour
• Psychology of the Media
• Turning Goldfish into Elephants

• Introduction to Mathematics and Statistics
• English for IELTS
• Academic Writing
• English Language I
• English Language II

Year 2

• Methods & Practices of Psychological Inquiry
• Introduction to Developmental & Social Psychology
• Introduction to Psychobiology & Cognition
• Current Topics in Psychology I
• Current Topics in Psychology II

• An Introduction to Evolutionary Psychology
• Topics in Forensic & Criminal Psychology
• Mind Games: Topics in Sport & Exercise Psychology

Year 3

• Psychological Research I: Design & Quantitive Methods
• Psychological Research II: Qualitative Methods
• Social & Developmental Psychology
• Cognitive & Physiological Psychology
• Individual Differences

• Health Psychology
• Applying Psychology
• Topics & Techniques in Neuroscience
• Sports Psychology

Year 4

• Psychology Project

• Applying Psychology to the Educational Setting
• Interpersonal and Organisational Psychology
• Psychology Placement Module
• Neuropsychological Disorders & Technique OR
• Brain, Treatments & Behaviour
• Health Psychology: Theory & Practice OR
• Health Promotion
• Violent & Sexual Offending OR
• Crime: Impacts & Consequences
• Theory & Practice in Sport Psychology OR
• Psychology of Diet & Exercise

Studying psychology provides you with a wide range of skills that span both the arts and the sciences. Therefore, this opens up opportunities with a wide variety of employers. Aside from the professional (Chartered) roles available for graduates to progress onto, there is a range of graduate careers including roles in project management, data analysis, human resources, local authority and law enforcement. Other students undertake further training and consider careers in law, teaching, the Probation Service, speech therapy, social work, or other allied health roles.

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