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MSc by Research in Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Πανεπιστήμιο Δυτικής Αττικής
Ηλεκτρολόγων και Ηλεκτρονικών Μηχανικών
Full Time

Πανεπιστήμιο Δυτικής Αττικής: MSc by Research in Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Admission of candidates in MSc by Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering is decided on the basis of an interview and a portfolio submitted with the application. In their portfolio, candidates should document their achievements, academic and/or professional, especially those related to research, if applicable (participation in research projects, teams or collaborations, authorship of research publications, etc.) In the interview, candidates should prove their interest in the specific research title they apply for, establish their connection to the area and present their skills that ensure that they will carry out the relevant research work successfully. A positive response by the academic staff member who has proposed the subject of research is critical for acceptance; this may come as an oral communication or as a written letter of recommendation. Candidates are encouraged to get in direct contact with the prospective supervisors in order to have all necessary information on what entails a specific research subject.

A call for applications is issued annually, after endorsement by the Assembly of the Department. The call opens 25 places (maximum) grouped under research areas of specialization within the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering as these are proposed by the academic staff members willing to supervise research in the respective area. In addition to the area of specialization, each place is accompanied by a proposed research title, brief description, prerequisite knowledge and skills and expected research outcomes. Areas of specialization, as listed below, are mentioned on the MSc title conferred:

  • Energy
  • Telecommunications
  • Electronics
  • Computing Systems
  • Cross-disciplinary areas: Defense / Education / Biomedical / Marine / Industrial Automation technologies

The above list is not exclusive; new specialization areas may be proposed by academic staff members to be included in future calls, upon approval by the Assembly of the Department.

Applications are accepted from candidates who hold an academic title of the 1st cycle, at Level 6 of the EQF or equivalent, from an academic institution accredited by Hellenic NARIC. Candidates may check the status of their degrees online. The ideal candidate should hold a degree in Electrical and/or Electronics and/or Computer Engineering. Degrees in other Engineering Faculties or degrees in Sciences are also welcome. Applications of candidates who hold degrees in other disciplines are judged per case by the Selection Committee.

A complete application ‘portfolio’ contains:

  1. A completed and signed application form, along with the following documents:
  2. Curriculum Vitae detailing studies and (if applicable) any professional/teaching/research experience. In that case, a digital copy of all relevant documentation and possible research publications should be submitted (see nr. 5 and nr. 6 below). In case undergraduate studies included a dissertation or thesis, this should also be submitted in digital form,
  3. A copy of the degree of 1st cycle studies or a graduation certificate, stating the degree GPA and accompanied by the corresponding Diploma Supplement or Transcripts,
  4. A copy of the degree of 2nd cycle studies or a graduation certificate, stating the degree GPA and accompanied by the corresponding Diploma Supplement or Transcripts, where applicable,
  5. Publications in scientific journals or conference proceedings, (co-)authored by the candidate, where applicable,
  6. Professional or research experience certificates, where applicable,
  7. A photocopy of ID (valid passport, for foreign candidates),
  8. Two confidential recommendation letters from academic teachers/supervisors or professional superiors,
  9. Letter of intent for the specific MSc Programme (max 500 words),
  10. English language certification at level B2 of the CERF or equivalent (minimum; ideal candidates should hold C2 level certificates or equivalent), or equivalently a degree of 1st or 2nd cycle of studies completed in an English-speaking Programme. Candidates that do not possess a B2-level certification or equivalent may prove their fluency in English through a test organized and delivered in UNIWA. Success in this test does not constitute a valid B2 certification beyond UNIWA, however.

Validity of the degrees of candidates obtained in academic institutions not in Greece are checked by the Secretariat of the Department through the Hellenic NARIC, according to the procedure defined in Greek Law 4957/2022, Chapter A, Article 304.

Selection criteria applied by the Selection Committee are defined in order to promote candidates who preferably

  • Hold a university degree in Electrical and/or Electronics and/or Computer Engineering (Degrees in other Engineering Faculties or degrees in Sciences are also welcome; degrees in other disciplines are evaluated on a per case basis),
  • ‘Very Good’ (B+) or higher mention on their degree from studies of the 1st cycle,
  • English language certified at C1 level of the CERF or equivalent, or higher.
  • Qualifications that are highly graded in the selection process are
  • Participation in research activities, such as research projects, proportionally to duration and task assignment,
  • (Co-)authorship of research publications, proportionally to their impact as measured by the Impact Factor or any other similar index. Candidates who have (co-)authored publications of Impact Factor > = 1.0 are given top priority in the selection process.

As already stated, research work is an essential part of this MSc Programme. Consequently, both the selection process and the selection criteria are stricter than in a typical MSc Programme. The successful candidate is expected to carry out innovative research, i.e., research that generates or employs new information/data (scientific measurements, publications or other material) or develops a novel approach or solution as compared to existing / conventional ones. This research is expected to merit a publication of its results. The requirement for at least one publication before graduation is set to support the general aim of the MSc thesis that is the development of advanced skills in research, in expression / communication, in the formulation of scientific hypotheses and in the interpretation and presentation of research results. Therefore, the Selection Committee may decide to reject an application if it judges that the applicant does not fulfill the research criterion, even if he/she fulfills all other criteria.

Learn more about admissions here.

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