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MSc by Research in Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Πανεπιστήμιο Δυτικής Αττικής
Ηλεκτρολόγων και Ηλεκτρονικών Μηχανικών
Full Time

The MSc program curriculum corresponds to 90 ECTS units. The curriculum is structured in academic semesters.

All modules and educational activities correspond to a number of ECTS units gained within the semester they are offered. In order to graduate, a student must have successfully completed the following:

  • Attend and get a passing grade in six (6) course modules (5 mandatory modules and 1 elective module),
  • Carry out, submit and defend a MSc thesis,
  • Publish the results of their research in a scientific journal or conference, as deemed suitable by the research supervisor.

Semester A

  • Research Methodology – Scientific Writing (6 ECTS)
  • Scientific Computing and Mathematical Modeling (6 ECTS)
  • Supervised Research I (18 ECTS)
    Students carry out research in their specific research topic, supervised by an academic staff member. Technical Report I, including intermediate research results obtained in the 1st semester, is prepared and turned in by the student at the end of the semester. Technical Reports are presented by the students to their respective examination committees and are graded. They can be used as parts (chapters) of the final MSc thesis.

Semester B

  • Science, Technology, Society: From History to Policy (6 ECTS)
  • Supervised Research II (18 ECTS)
    Students carry out research in their specific research topic, supervised by an academic staff member. Technical report II, including intermediate research results obtained in the 2nd semester, is prepared and turned in by the student at the end of the semester. Technical Reports are presented by the students to their respective examination committees and are graded. They can be used as parts (chapters) of the final MSc thesis.

Semester C

  • MSc Thesis (30 ECTS)
    Completion of supervised research and preparation of the MSc thesis that includes intermediate and final results. The MSc thesis is written, turned in and defended by the student to the respective examination committee. Presentation is in public. The MSc thesis is graded.
  • Publication of research results (0 ECTS)
    Research results have to be published in an international refereed scientific journal or international refereed scientific conference with proceedings, as deemed suitable by the supervisor. A copy of the publication or an acceptance letter has to be filed for graduation. At least one such publication is required.

OPTIONAL MODULES (Electives: students select 3 out of 8)

  • Selected Topics in image Processing and Computer Vision (2 ECTS)
  • Multifunctional materials and Wearable Devices (2 ECTS)
  • Multilayer structures in Organic Optoelectronic Devices (2 ECTS)
  • Fiber Bragg Gratings in optical fiber communications and sensing applications (2 ECTS)
  • Advanced topics in Antennas and 5G Communications (2 ECTS)
  • Special Control Schemes in Wireless Sensor Networks (2 ECTS)
  • Selected topics in Small Hydroelectric Power Plants (2 ECTS)
  • E-learning: Mining, Analytics and Visualization of Educational Data (2 ECTS)

Any 3 out of the 8 electives may be selected by the student. Three such electives constitute one course module of 6 ECTS. Electives are taught intensively and are scheduled serially to cover the length of the 2nd semester of studies.

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